Save The Last Dance
Friday, February 23, 2007
Well it all started Wednesday morning I got up, got dressed and went to work. About 9ish I started feeling real bad I couldn't get warm, and was so out of it I couldn't hold my eyes open. Mind u I have some bad days and my boss is very understanding. But finally about 10:30 he came in the office and TOLD me to go home. I usually work on my toughest days of pain and swelling. Anywho, I came home and went to bed of course. when I got up around 3 I still felt really really bad. So I called my specialist and left a message. around 4:30 sandy (my nurse) called me and said that my dr wanted to me to just go see my family physician. So I called early Thursday morning and I got in around 8:30 to see him. Oh did I say that I felt like S***. Which is actually an understatement. He took blood, and x-ray, etc. X-ray had the first signs of pnemonia. GREATTTTTTT Here we go again. Anyway, big shot and lots of antibiotics and back home to ly down and not do anything else. I did just what he said. He wanted to see my back Friday. So this morning I get up and off to the doctor again. My blood work is good. Doesn't show any abnormalities (which is actually GREAT). But what is going on with my body? I have chills like I'm having fever, and no fever shows up. I am really short of breath and I have this dry hacky cough that is driving me crazy. Also my chest is very tight and hurts. Well my doctor said if I wasn't any better today that he might put me in the hospital. I didn't get put in the hospital I just got sent back to the house to rest again. I understand what Paul was talking last week of the walls closing in on him. He had the flu and strep throat. I am so tired of looking at my bedroom it isn't even funny. I have to call my doctor in the morning and let him know how I am feeling and to tell you the truth I am so sick of being sick!!!!!!! So I am praying that I get so much better overnight. I am on the strongest antibiotics. Well i've got to get to bed that medicine is kicking in so hopefully I can get some rest tonight.

love to all.

Pamela D
posted by Pamela @ 10:48 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted a blog. I have been extremely busy with the holidays! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I did that is for sure! Mom & Dad got me a digital camera and mom took me and jen shopping for us some clothes. We had a great time, enjoyed the time spent with mom and jennifer although they can outlast me, I still had a good time. I get real tired easily and have to sit for a while to rest up. Then of course, once I have sat for a bit I can't hardly get back up and moving my muscles want to stiffen up and lock down on me. haha. All a part of the age thing! LOL!!! You know I am not that old to be acting like my body is falling apart but boy do I feel like it is everyday more and more.

"Update on my Sarcoid" went to the doctor January 25th, for all of my major test (every three months). My pulmunologist said that I passed my breathing test(YES) and that everything with my lungs were looking better and I could wait 6 months now. If you don't know I was going every week then every two then every month, to three months so progressing to 6 months is wonderful for me. I do have to have a CT done in March for my liver and lungs because it has been almost a year since I have had to do one. He wants to compare and make sure that my granulomas are looking better not worse.

After that visit it was across the building to the specialist for my liver function test. Got all my blood taken and now just waiting for the result stillllll......
He wants me to stay on the chemotherapy for one more month and then do my blood work again and if it isn't better he is going to change my chemo that I am on to a stronger dosage of another chemo. I kind of like the one that I am on because I'm not losing much hair and I am sick but not bad. I just have the nausea, not so much vomiting and all that comes with chemo.
Right now it is in the pill form the next step will still be a pill also. Thank Goodness!

I am going to travel back to Alabama in a few weeks to see my boyfriend and spend the weekend shopping hopefully. I moved all of my belongings that were in storage to Jason's house and my mom's house so that I could save a little monies. Jason was renting his house out but decided that he would like to be in his own place when he does visit hamburg, so his niece moved in with her best friend to take care of the house and not just let it set up. Those girls are having the time of their life living on their own. I mean who didn't want a house to be able to throw parties and just do whatever you wanted without parents bugging. haha.

Anyhow, my baby has made the honor roll two semesters in a row! Way to go ZACH!!!! I am so proud of you. I am wanting his hair to grow out and my mom is threatening me to get that mess (that's what she calls it) cut. It is nappy looking but it is in between the long and short. I'm sure everybody agrees with me that boys look good in long hair. haha. Zach wants to play soccer this year so I am trying to find out what day tryouts are. Pray that he gets to play that will help him so much he wants to continue karate also. He has gotten three belts already, and he is doing great. If I can remember when I get home I will try and post some pics.

got to go for now.

love to all, pam
posted by Pamela @ 9:36 AM   1 comments
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Well starting with last friday, I wasn't feeling too well, really fatigued. My aunt was in the hospital so I decided to go and see her, I stayed for a while and visited with some of my family that I hadn't seen in a long time. Woke up Saturday and Mom and I went back to the hospital my aunt was very ill. God decided he wanted aunt myrtis to come home with him around 3 p.m. We were very sad but also happy because we knew she was in a beautiful place now. We went back to the house and packed my bags and the kids' bags and we headed to hamburg. Zach was at his dad's, he came to hamburg on sunday. On the way home Xander and I had a wutzup contest, I could feel my throat just closing on me. I got home and boy was it on, fever, headaches, bodyaches, sore throat, etc. So mom pretty much had to fend for herself this weekend with all the kids I wasn't much help. We had visitation Monday night and my aunt's funeral was Tuesday. She was so beautiful! The service was beautiful, Aunt Myrtis was surely smiling from up above. Lots of love and prayers to her family!

Drove home Tuesday night with all three kids. REAL FUN!!!!! No they were pretty good. Surprisingly!!!! I went back to work Wednesday and by Friday morning I had enough. Off to see Doctor @ 7 a.m. Seen wonderful Dr. Rose and he was concerned that this cold had flared up my sarcoid so he gave me three prescriptions and told me to call him if my symptoms worsened. I think he was really scared to take x-rays. He said if I wasn't any better by Monday that I needed to schedule for my blood work again and the full workup! FUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!

Here it is Sunday and I am still running a slight temp but I haven't left the house other than to go to Church this morning. Walked in Church and there was beach balls flying all around the room. It was a great start to the morning and the sermon that Pastor Mark had for us.

Well to top all of my stuff off, Paul called me Friday morning and said he was on his way to the Dr. with Haven because she was running a high fever. This makes me feel bad cause I know she had to have gotten it from me. The Doctor gave her some antibiotics. She is still running a high fever and now she is vomiting. I pretty sure Jennifer is going to take her back to the Doctor tomorrow. She has been at Jennifer's mom's all weekend. Haven loves her nini. She hasn't talked to me much but I can't blame her I know how she feels.

Zach and I are just kicked back tonight and relaxing! FINALLY!!!!

MORE EXCITEMENT TO COME! Paul is working with John and Neil for the next two weeks, good luck bubba! Remember to stretch, hahahahahaha.
posted by Pamela @ 7:36 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
My Girls

From left is Crystal, Angela, and Me.
This is my favorite picture from Branson.
posted by Pamela @ 4:19 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Hey guys this is a great opportunity to get together with old friends, classmates, etc. send Tommy an email if you are interested. His email is:

Following is the email from him on the event.
Okay, gang. Finally, we've got things worked out for the August edition of the Hamburg Dinner Club. We'll be getting together on Monday, August 28th at Ray Winder Field, current home of the Arkansas Travelers. As this will be the last season they will be playing there we thought it might be fun to get together for a game, some dogs and burgers and good times. Maybe we'll get together at the new stadium next year to see how it compares. I can't imagine anything being better than Ray Winder, though. This will be our family outing for the year so feel free to bring the kids, grandkids or whoever. I know school will already be back in session but this is the best date we could come up with. The game will start at 7:10 that evening and I believe the picnic portion will start around 5:45. I'm also not exactly sure of the price yet. I'm trying to work to get us a discounted price but I'll pass along all that info as soon as I get it nailed down. I mainly just wanted to make sure everyone was sure of the date so they could go ahead and mark their calendars. I'm going to place an ad in the Ashley County Ledger inviting Hamburg folks to come up and join us so if you still have friends or family there encourage them to come join us. And please let me know if you are planning on attending and how many you expect to have in your party. I'll pass along all of the final info as I confirm it.

posted by Pamela @ 9:56 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Here is a pic of my sweet babies before Zach and I left for Alabama:

Zach and I took a trip to Huntsville, Alabama this past weekend. We had a BLAST!!!! Friday after work off we went, it is about 5 ½ hours to where we were going. Far, Far away. Lol. We stayed in Tanner, Alabama. ?where? Yeah that’s what I thought too. We arrived in Tanner approximately 10:45 p.m. and of all things that people do when they are on vacation they go to WAL-MART! That’s right folks! My son is a Wal-Mart fan. So off we went at 11:00 p.m. We did some minor shopping and then to the house for some R & R which was much needed!

Saturday: Well we awoke late Saturday morning and we got ready and Jason took us to Huntsville, Alabama to the NASA Space Center. Zach had so much fun. He was amazed at the different things that were needed to go into space. We also went to see a Imax movie of space while we were there. AWESOME!!!!! Well we left the space center and it was back for an evening nap. I was worn out. When I woke up we went to the mall in Madison and shopped till we dropped. Literally! I dropped! Of course it was closing time for the mall also.

Since this was Zach’s vacation he got to do anything he wanted. And let me tell you my child is NOT hard to please. He wanted to go to the Super Target and to McDonald’s. Of course it is like 9:30 p.m. What else do you expect us to do at that time? Lol

Here is Zach with all of his presents see below:

Well, Sunday, it was a long day of rest. Yeah right! We got up around 11 or so and went to eat. Then it was time to load the car and visit for a few extra minutes before heading back to Arkansas. Left Alabama around 3:00 and arrived home before 9.

Thanks to Jason for the great weekend, Zach is ready to come back again. He hasn't stopped talking about the space center. I have definately got to bring my camera next time for more pics.

Here are some of the pics from this weekend ENJOY!

posted by Pamela @ 5:09 PM   2 comments
Thursday, August 10, 2006
FYI: Sarcoidosis
Just in case anyone is wandering what I deal with everyday, just read a few lines below. The following is off of the National Sarcoidosis Research Center. Enjoy

Sarcoidosis (sar"koi-do'sis) involves inflammation that produces tiny lumps of cells in various organs in your body. The lumps are called granulomas because they look like grains of sugar or sand. They are very small and can be seen only with a microscope. These tiny granulomas can grow and clump together, making many large and small groups of lumps. If many granulomas form in an organ, they can affect how the organ works. This can cause symptoms of sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis can occur in almost any part of your body, although it usually affects some organs more than others. It usually starts in one of two places:
Lymph nodes, especially the lymph nodes in your chest cavity.

Sarcoidosis also often affects your:

Less often, sarcoidosis affects your:
Tear glands
Salivary glands
Bones and joints.

Rarely, sarcoidosis affects other organs, including your:
Thyroid gland
Reproductive organs.

Sarcoidosis almost always occurs in more than one organ at a time.
Sarcoidosis has an active and a nonactive phase:
In the active phase, the granulomas form and grow. In this phase, symptoms can develop, and scar tissue can form in the organs where the granulomas occur.
In the nonactive phase, the inflammation goes down, and the granulomas stay the same size or shrink. But the scars may remain and cause symptoms.
The course of the disease varies greatly among people.

In many people, sarcoidosis is mild. The inflammation that causes the granulomas may get better on its own. The granulomas may stop growing or shrink. Symptoms may go away within a few years.
In some people, the inflammation remains but doesn't get worse. You may also have symptoms or flare-ups and need treatment every now and then.
In other people, sarcoidosis slowly gets worse over the years and can cause permanent organ damage. Although treatment can help, sarcoidosis may leave scar tissue in the lungs, skin, eyes, or other organs. The scar tissue can affect how the organs work. Treatment usually does not affect scar tissue.
Changes in sarcoidosis usually occur slowly (e.g., over months). Sarcoidosis does not usually cause sudden illness. However, some symptoms may occur suddenly. They include: Disturbed heart rhythms, Arthritis in the ankles, and Eye symptoms.
In some serious cases in which vital organs are affected, sarcoidosis can result in death.

Sarcoidosis is not a form of cancer. There is no known way to prevent sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis was once thought to be an uncommon condition. It's now known to affect tens of thousands of people throughout the United States. Because many people who have sarcoidosis have no symptoms, it's hard to know how many people have the condition.

Sarcoidosis was identified in the late 1860s. Since then, scientists have developed better tests to diagnose it and made advances in treating it.

Support Sarcoidosis study, visit the following link to help:

Thanks to all my friends, and family for the support.

Love always, Pamela D
posted by Pamela @ 11:39 PM   0 comments
I haven't received our pictures from branson, but I will post them as soon as I can. Brian, Angie, Crystal and I traveled last weekend to Branson, Missouri. We had a great time, we went shopping at the outlet malls and various other things. Thanks Crys and Ang. I love you guys and I appreciate you inviting me.

This coming weekend Zach and I are traveling to Alabama. YEAH, we are so excited! I'll post as soon as we get back.
posted by Pamela @ 1:13 PM   0 comments
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Name: Pamela
Home: Bryant, Arkansas, United States
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